Nexos Comunitarios, is a Peruvian non-profit civil association, formed by a group of citizens, professionals, committed to reducing poverty in isolated communities within Peru; and in promoting a better understanding and true respect between different societies and cultures (nationally and internationally).
Our projects are developed according to the requests from our partnering communities.
Nexos Comunitarios is proud of our goals, including:
Working hand in hand with our local partners (primiarly isolated communities in the Andes), building human and social capital to achieve sustainable solutions based on a holistic approach. We work in the fulfillment of this goal with our Programs.
A genuine respect between different societies generates from a better understanding of the different cultures. For that, we develop relationships between different groups (with national and international agreements), where there is genuine reciprocity among all stakeholders. We work in the fulfillment of this goal with our implementing our Programs and Puriy.
However, NC raises a hypothesis about a possible model to follow to promote local development processes. The current hypothesis was developed based on the needs of the communities with which we currently work and their wishes. The hypothesis was proposed in 2014, but it is adjusted according to the needs and requests of our local partners.
Our goals were established based on the values shared by all NC members and this is:
All our efforts take into account freedom as the point of departure and arrival of all our work.
We account for our activities and decisions and we take responsibility for them. We hope that the parts we work with will work in the same way.
Based on the concept of Ayni in the Andean world, our work seeks a balance between the parties involved. This balance allows relationships to be horizontal and benefits are enjoyed by all and responsibilities fulfilled by each party. Reciprocity allows the parties to take interest in maintaining and reinforcing existing relationships, on which projects are developed.
We design, implement and evaluate all our work respecting each of the cultures with which it works. The relationships we establish between groups or people with different cultures are based on horizontality, assuming that none is better than the other and all must be truly respected.
We see service as the work of the soul.
arranging and serving represent three different ways of seeing life.
When you help, you see life in a weak way. When you settle,
You see life as if it were broken. When you serve, you see life as
a whole. Arranging and helping can be part of the work of the ego, and the
serving is the work of the soul".
Rachel Naomi Remen,
of my grandfather: Stories of Strength, Refuge and Membership.